Analisi di un semplice programma Assembly
; Analysis and tracing of a simple assembly program
ORG 0000h
JP 0500h ;jump to 0500h address
ORG 0500h ;the program starts to 0500h address of ROM
BEGIN : LD HL,0CD00h ;load the address 0CD00h in the HL register
LD B,12h ;12h = 18d
LD A,00h ;load the value 00H in the accumulator A
LOOPUP : LD (HL),A ;here starts a loop (LOOPup) that load for 18d times the value in A (00h)
INC HL ;till the value in the register B is 0, that is the addresses from
DEC B ;0CD000h to 0CD11h will have the 0 value.
LD B,012h ;now the value 012h will reloaded in the register B
LD A,0FFh ; load the value 0FFh in A
LOOPDOWN : DEC HL ;here starts another loop (LOOPdown) that load for 18d times the value in A (0FFh)
LD (HL),A ;till the value in the register B is 0, that is the addresses from
DEC B ;0CD11h to 0CD000h will have the 0FFh value.
JP BEGIN ;with this instruction the program will never have an end.