Analisi di un semplice programma aritmetico Assembly
; Analysis and tracing of a simple arithmetic program
ORG 0000h
JP 3000h
ORG 3000h ;the program strats his first isctruction at 3000h address
START : LD HL,1200h ;load the value 1200h in the HL register
LD BC,0100h ;load the vlaue 0100h in the BC register
LD DE,0000h ;load the value 0000h in the DE register
LOOP : LD A,E ;he re starts a loop: load the value that is in the register E in A
ADD A,(HL) ;add the value FFh that is in the address of HL (1200h) and the value that is
in A
JP NC,NO_CARRY ; conditional jump: if no carry jump to NO_CARRY else increment the register D
NO_CARRY :LD E,A ;load the value that is in A (the result of addiction)in the register E
INC HL ;incement HL register
DEC BC ;decrement BC register
LD A,B ; load the value that is in B in A
OR C ; this instruction makes the logical OR operation between each bit of the value in A and C
JP NZ,LOOP ;if the result is not zero, go to LOOP ***NOTE
LD HL,8000h ;else load the value 8000h in the HL register
LD (HL),E ;load the value of E in the address of HL register
INC HL ;increment HL register
LD (HL),D ;load the value of D in the address , now increased, in the address of HL
***NOTE: this Loop will go on for 256d times, then when both the value in A and in C will be 00h the program will execute the next instructions till the Halt